Lava Yuva 5G: Lava on Friday announced the launch of a new smartphone in India and hinted that it might be called the Lava Yuva 5G. The smartphone maker has shared a video of the phone on social media, giving a glimpse of its design. This teaser confirms some key features of the upcoming phoneโs camera. The company hasnโt announced a release date, but Yuva 5G could be unveiled in the coming weeks.
Lava Yuva 5G teaser released
In a post on Lava Mobiles, whose official username is the brandโs series will support 5G. The company hasnโt revealed any specifications, but a short video shows its design and camera module.
The Lava Yuva 5G appears to have a rectangular box design with vertically oriented Lava branding and 5G text. The phone has a circular camera module in the center along with a dual rear camera setup. The main camera will be a 50-megapixel sensor, but details about the secondary camera are unknown. This module also has an LED flash.
Lava Yuva 5G specifications leaked
Although the company hasnโt officially released the specifications, a listing of the smartphone with model number LAVA LXX513 appeared in a Geekbench benchmark earlier this week. The model number appears to be Lava Yuva 5G. The listing reveals that the device runs Android 14 out of the box and is available in 6GB and 8GB RAM variants.
The site also reveals that the smartphone could feature an octa-core processor with two cores clocked at up to 2.4 GHz and six cores clocked at up to 2.0 GHz.
Based on the processor specifications, it is believed that this phone could come with MediaTek Dimensity 6300 or Dimensity 6080 processor. Apart from this, the Lava Yuva 5G is said to have a 16-megapixel selfie camera on the front. The price of this device can be less than 1 million rupees. 10,000.