Bihar’s Tharu Tribe Voices Discontent with Nitish Kumar’s Broken Promises

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Bihar’s Tharu Tribe Voices Discontent with Nitish Kumar’s Broken Promises
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Nitish Kumar: The Tharu tribe in Bihar is expressing frustration with Chief Minister Nitish Kumar. They are tired of his changing promises and policies. Despite assurances of better infrastructure, healthcare, and education, many Tharu villages still lack basic amenities like roads and electricity. Land rights disputes remain unresolved, and healthcare and education services are inadequate. The Tharu community feels neglected and betrayed, as promises of job opportunities and development projects have not materialized. They are now calling for concrete actions from the government, hoping for real progress and fulfillment of promises.

Broken Promises
Chief Minister Nitish Kumar has made several promises to the Tharu tribe. However, many feel these promises were not kept. Kumar promised better infrastructure, healthcare, and education for the Tharu people. Despite these assurances, there is little to show on the ground.

In 2015, Kumar promised the Tharu tribe better roads and electricity. Today, many Tharu villages still lack these basic amenities. Villagers often have to travel long distances on foot to reach schools or hospitals. Electricity is still a luxury for many households.

Land Rights Issues
One of the major issues is land rights. The Tharu tribe has faced land disputes for years. Kumar promised to resolve these disputes, but progress has been slow. Many Tharu people are still fighting for their ancestral land.

Ramesh Tharu, a community leader, said, “We are tired of waiting. Our land is our identity. Without it, we have nothing.” Many Tharu people share this sentiment. They feel neglected and betrayed by the government.

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Health and Education
Healthcare is another major concern. The Tharu tribe suffers from high rates of malnutrition and other health issues. There are few hospitals or clinics in their areas. People often have to travel far for medical treatment. Kumar had promised to build more healthcare facilities, but this promise remains unfulfilled.

Education is also a problem. Many Tharu children do not have access to quality education. Schools are far away, and teachers are often absent. Nitish Kumar promised to improve education for the Tharu tribe. However, there has been little improvement.

Political Promises and Reality
Nitish Kumar has been in power for many years. During his tenure, he has made many promises to the Tharu tribe. Yet, the reality on the ground remains the same. The Tharu people feel that they are being used for political gain.

In the last election, Kumar promised special development projects for the Tharu community. These projects have not materialized. The Tharu people are losing faith in the state government.

Tharu Youth and Unemployment
Unemployment is a growing issue among the Tharu youth. Many young people leave their villages in search of work. They often end up in low-paying, unskilled jobs. Nitish Kumar had promised job opportunities and vocational training. These promises remain largely unfulfilled.

Priya Tharu, a young woman from the community, said, “We want to stay in our villages, but there are no jobs. We feel like we have no future here.” Her words reflect the feelings of many young Tharu people.

The Call for Change
The Tharu tribe is now calling for change. They want the government to take their issues seriously. They are demanding concrete action, not just promises.

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Community leaders are planning to hold protests. They hope to draw attention to their problems. The Tharu people are determined to fight for their rights.

Nitish Kumar has a chance to make things right. The Tharu tribe wants to see real progress. They are hoping for a government that listens and acts. The future of the Tharu tribe depends on the actions of the state government.

The Tharu tribe in Bihar is tired of broken promises. They want better infrastructure, healthcare, and education. They are demanding land rights and job opportunities. The government needs to take immediate action. The Tharu tribe is ready to fight for their future. The ball is now in Nitish Kumar’s court. Will he deliver on his promises, or will the Tharu tribe continue to feel betrayed? The coming days will be crucial for the Tharu community in Bihar.

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