Bollywood actress Sonakshi Sinha is on cloud nine. Earlier, she was well-liked for her role of Fardeen in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s series ‘Heeramandi’. After this, she is now in the news for her marriage. There is a buzz that Sonakshi is starting a new life by marrying her long-time boyfriend Zaheer Iqbal on June 23. Amidst these discussions, there is a lot of talk about her luxury house. Let’s take a virtual tour of Sonakshi’s house, if not in reality.
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How does Sonakshi’s house look?
Four years ago, in 2020, Sonakshi Sinha bought her own house on the seashore in Mumbai with her hard-earned money. The actress’s house is spread over 4 thousand square feet, which is in a premium residential tower 81 Auriate in Mumbai’s posh area of โโโโBranda. The entrance area of โโโโthe actress’s house is decorated with a painting made by her.
A large sofa set matching the wall color is placed in Sonakshi’s living room. The colourful walls are shining with unique paintings. The wooden work of the actress’s house is so wonderful that it makes the heart happy. Sonakshi has decorated her house very beautifully. The view of the sea from the house gives peace to the heart. After seeing the inside view of Sonakshi’s house, you will hardly feel like coming out of it.